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Smart Math After Brain electrocuted

NgePas | Smart Math After Brain electrocuted - Diskalkulia a learning disorder characterized by difficulties in calculating the figures. The flow of electricity in certain parts of the brain was able to overcome these problems and even its effects can last up to 6 months. Of course, how to supply power to the brain is not as easy to turn on the lights. There are certain techniques which if not done properly it causes the opposite effect that is increasingly difficult to do the math.

In an experiment, scientists from Oxford University were able to find appropriate techniques to overcome diskalkulia with electricity. This experiment involving 15 students ranging in age from 20 to 21 years.

When an electric current of 1 miliampere (mA) flowed in the brain in the parietal lobe that regulates the ability of numerical and mathematical, the volunteers feel the effect is quite significant. But its effect depends on the direction of flow berfariasi electricity.

If the flow of the right parietal lobe to the left, numeracy volunteers increased by 2-fold. Conversely when it flowed from left to right, his ability to fall dramatically until the equivalent to the ability of children aged 6 years.

Because the technique is much more complicated indeed, one of the scientists namely Dr. Cohen Kadosh reminded that this technique does not try yourself at home. However this technique is still in test phase so that still need further research before widespread use.

"This will not change someone to be as smart as Einstein, but Juka lucky someday be useful for those who experience specific learning difficulties such as diskalkulia," said Dr Kadosh as quoted by the Telegraph. (Detikhealth)

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