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Lightning as a Source of Energy

In addition to solar, wind, and water waves, there are other energy sources that are renewable. Middle researchers tested the use of force with tools that can draw power from the air. True, the new energy is electricity in the air that trigger the formation of lightning and thunder ..

For centuries, scientists fascinated by the idea of harnessing the power of thunder. A scientist, Nikola Tesla, experimented extensively with the topic, but real understanding in the field of atmospheric electrodynamics has so far remained elusive.

Meanwhile, Fernando Galembeck, scientists from the University of Campinas, Brazil, recently presented a report in the American Chemical Society National Meeting of the 24th, the review details the future, where every home will have a device on the roof that can attract low-cost electricity and net from the air. "Just as the solar energy that can be obtained free by households to install solar cells so that they no longer need to subscribe to electricity, new energy sources is also promising the same thing," he said.

In essence, scientists believe that water droplets in the atmosphere is electrically neutral particles and remain so despite friction with electricity from dust particles or other liquids, Only, Galemback find, based on a series of experiments in the laboratory, that drop of water that is actually taking power.

He uses silica and aluminum phosphate particles, the type of dust particles which are very common in the air, and found that they increased their electric power capacity while increasing the amount of water vapor in the air. "This is proof that water can accumulate in the atmosphere is electric power and mentransferkan to other materials that come into contact with it," said Galemback.

Originally, scientists believed That water droplets in the atmosphere were the resource persons electrically neutral, and remained that way even after Brushing up against charges on dust particles and other liquid project. However, Galembeck discovered in a series of lab experiments That water droplets do in fact pick up a charge.

Based on those findings, added Galembeck, it is possible to harvest "water power" from the air, especially in areas with high humidity, such as the tropics. To initiate the possibility of this industry, Galembeck team, has begun testing a number of metals to see which are most sensitive in capturing power in the atmosphere at higroelektrik panel.

Installation higroelektrik panel was able to also prevent damage from lightning and the lightning, by placing the panels to capture the electric power in the air at the point that often hit by lightning. "It's an awesome idea that we are doing their own studies and the other team stating that possibility is very great," said Galemback.

"Of course the road leading to it is still long. But long-term benefits of water use electric energy from the air can be very meaningful." Indeed nothing is in vain of all God's creation.


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